Its All About The Chicken

Raising chickens through confinement has indeed been the conventional approach for many years, but as awareness grows about more natural and sustainable farming methods, pasture-fed chicken farming has gained significant popularity. At Owl Farm, we've embraced this approach wholeheartedly, and here are the benefits you can expect from our pasture-fed broiler chickens:

  1. Healthier Chickens: Our pasture-fed chickens enjoy a healthier lifestyle. With access to fresh air, natural sunlight, and the freedom to roam and forage, they develop stronger immune systems and are less susceptible to disease. We prioritise their well-being by abstaining from medicated feed, antibiotics, and growth stimulators.

  2. Higher Nutrient Content: Compared to chickens raised in confinement, our pasture-fed chickens boast a higher nutrient content in their meat. Their varied diet of grasses, insects, and other natural food sources results in elevated levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and other beneficial nutrients.

  3. Superior Taste: We firmly believe that the superior taste of our pasture-fed chickens speaks for itself. Their more diverse diet contributes to a more complex flavor profile, resulting in meat that is more succulent and flavorful than conventionally raised chickens.

  4. Environmental Sustainability: Our pasture-fed chicken farming practices are not only beneficial for the chickens but also for the environment. The chickens play a role in fertilizing the soil, controlling weeds, and pest management through their natural grazing behavior. Additionally, their waste is dispersed more naturally, promoting better nutrient cycling and reducing environmental impact.

  5. Ethical Considerations: We prioritize the ethical treatment of our chickens at Owl Farm. By allowing them to live more natural lives with ample space to move and express their natural behaviors, we uphold their welfare and ensure they are treated with the respect they deserve. Our birds are raised to full maturity over 81 days, which is three times longer than supermarket chickens and two weeks longer than organic chickens.

In conclusion, raising pasture-fed broiler chickens at Owl Farm offers a multitude of benefits. From the health advantages of nutrient-rich meat to the environmental sustainability and ethical considerations, our commitment to natural and humane farming practices shines through in every aspect of our operation. We take pride in providing our customers with chicken that not only tastes better but also reflects our values of sustainability, animal welfare, and quality.


Beyond Organic