Our Chicken

Transitioning from conventional confinement farming to pasture-fed chicken farming at Owl Farm has brought about numerous benefits, both for the chickens themselves and for the broader ecosystem. Here's a closer look at why we believe in and champion our pasture-fed approach:

1. Healthier Chickens:

  • Our pasture-fed chickens enjoy a healthier lifestyle, with access to fresh air, sunlight, and a diverse array of natural food sources. This enriches their diet and strengthens their immune systems, reducing the need for medicated feed or antibiotics.

2. Enhanced Nutrient Content:

  • Compared to conventionally raised chickens, our pasture-fed birds boast higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and other essential nutrients. This translates to healthier and more nourishing meat for our consumers.

3. Superior Taste:

  • We take pride in the superior taste of our pasture-fed chickens, which is attributed to their varied diet and natural lifestyle. This diverse diet contributes to a more complex flavour profile that discerning palates appreciate.

4. Environmental Sustainability:

  • Our pasture-fed chicken farming practices are inherently more environmentally sustainable. The chickens play a role in soil fertilisation and weed control through their grazing activities, while their waste is naturally dispersed, minimising environmental impact.

5. Ethical Considerations:

  • We prioritise the ethical treatment of our chickens, allowing them to live more natural lives with the freedom to move and forage. By raising our birds to full maturity over a longer period, we ensure they experience a higher quality of life compared to conventional or even organic chicken farming methods.

At Owl Farm, we are committed to redefining the standards of chicken farming by embracing a more natural, humane, and sustainable approach. Our pasture-fed chicken farming not only produces healthier, tastier meat but also contributes to the well-being of our environment and the ethical treatment of our feathered friends. Join us in celebrating the benefits of pasture-fed chicken farming for a brighter, more sustainable future. 🌱🐔