Beyond Organic

** Food for Thought πŸŒ±πŸ” **

Organic, a term rooted in nature, has evolved over time. Initially, it aimed to reduce synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, returning to natural farming.

In modern times, consider "Organic Chickens." Rules seem clear, but let's peek behind the curtain:

🌿 "Access to outdoors" (Shed window open?)

πŸ“ "Less than 3000" (A4 paper space?)

πŸ’Š "No routine antibiotics" (Except not daily for growth?)

🌾 "Non-GMO Feed" (Yet some allowances?)

So, to label our chickens 'Organic,' we need to meet about 70% of these standards, pay fees, and don a suit occasionally. Does this truly reflect nature?

At Owl Farm, we keep it simple. Our animals roam outdoors, feast on our own fermented grains, and forage naturally. No artificial dress-ups or fees. No routine antibiotics. No force-feeding. We let nature dictate size.

We could delve deeper into corn-fed chicken, labeling tricks, and more. If curious, let's chat for more details.

We have antibiotics for our pet Kune Kune pigs, not our meat animals.


#DontBelieveTheLabels πŸŒΎπŸƒ


Its All About The Chicken